I remember entering a phone store, naturally the salesmen immediately tries to sell me the latest iphone, the only alternative initially offered being the latest Samsung that had all the specs beating all the competition. These were AMAZING phones, I could, in theory run everything I needed in life off this device. Genuinely impressive, however I did not need every spec or function known to man I needed a phone with a strong camera, good capacity and flexibility. To be fair, the Samsung offered these, the iPhone, despite being a great phone did not offer flexibility. However I did not buy the Samsung I bought another phone. Why? Because the purpose is far more important than the platform. The purpose comes first. Does the tool suit the purpose. Overkill – at D5 Global we believe that it is natural for the technician to think in ultimate rather than practical. The vast majority of local Churches, community groups and small businesses need efficient, effective and straight forward solutions for their online presence. There is no need for every bell and whistle. We aim to give you what is needed not what impresses us.